Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Remembering Telephone Numbers

These can be remembered simply by associating numbers from Eg)., the Number/Rhyme system, or the journey system and by further association these with the face or name of the  person whose number is being remembered.
For Example, to remember that John’s phone number is 6587452, I can imagine myself travelling to his flat: with my destination firmly in mind, I envisage the following stops on my journey:
  1.        Front Door: The door has hundreds of sticks (6) lying in front of it.
  2.        Rose Bush: A small sapling (tree, 3) is growing its way through the middle of   the bush.
  3.        Car: to build a hive (5) under the wheel of my car. I have to move it very carefully to avoid damaging it.
  4.        End of Road: A tree (3) has fallen on the road. I have to drive around it.
  5.        Past Garage: Someone has nailed a sign on the door (4) strange!
  6.       Under Railway Bridge: The bees are building another hive (5) between the girders here.
  7.    Past The Municipal Park: All the trees in the park have shoes (2) hanging from their branches.