Thursday, October 21, 2010

Remembering Numbers

Day by day our lives are becoming more and more complicated. No matter what, one has to remember at least a few bank account numbers, telephone numbers etc.,
How does one remember numbers?
Using mnemonic systems, remembering numbers becomes extremely simple.

There are a number of ways of approaches, depending on the types of numbers being remembered:

1. Short numbers
These can be stored in a number of ways:
The easiest is to use simple Number/Rhyme method associated in a story.
A simple peg system can be used, associating numbers from the Number/Rhyme method, organized with the Alphabet system.

2.Long Numbers
This can be remembered using the Journey System. At a simple level, numbers can be stored at each stop on the journey using e.g., the Number/Shape system.
Using all the simple techniques in concert, there is no reason why you should not be able to store a 100-digit number with relatively little effort. Using the more powerful systems, holding it to 1000-digits might not be too much of a challenge.