Friday, November 26, 2010

Why Remembering To Do Things IS SO Difficult

Remembering intentions is in fact much more difficult than remembering events that have happened and the primary reason is the lack or retrieval cues. This is why, of all memory tasks, remembering to do things relies most heavily on external memory aids. Reminder notes, calendars dairies, watch-alarms, oven-timers, leaving objects in conspicuous places – all these external aids act as cues to memory.

In practical compensation for the lack of effective retrieval cues, planning memories are more easily triggered by minor cues. E even a small and seemingly insignificant thing can act as a remarkable cue. A friend of mine was reminded that her son’s friend would be spending Saturday night with then when she saw an advertisement for a movie about John F.Kennedy ( the child’s father had the same initials: JFK).  
I remembered that I had to give my green dress for dry cleaning when I saw a similar green colour in the display window of a store.