Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Remember the Positive and Forget the Negative

The mind has an amazing capacity. In fact, there are no limits to its power. The power of mind can be extended to a limitless extent. It is said that Locus Scorpio could remember the names of all the people who lived in Rome during his time. There are teachers who knows the names of all the children in the class and even those not in their class. Imagine remembering the names of a few hundred children studying in various classes. If a teacher can remember hundreds of names can’t you remember an equivalent number!
Remembering the relevant bits of information is necessary but it is neither advisable nor possible to retain each and every pieces of information that our brain receives during our lifetime.

So what does one do?
We simply remove the ones that are not relevant and retain the ones that are useful.
We know that we cannot possibly neither remember nor want to remember everything. To make our memories serve us intelligently, we have to be able to choose the things we want to remember and concentrate on developing selective type of memory. It’s worth remembering tow fundamental rules.
ü  Everyone has greater power of memory than he images.
ü  Although intensive training products great improvement in memory, training and does not develop the general faculty of memory bust simply increases the particular kind of memory job that is practices.
So, to develop your memory in order to increase your personal efficency you must first choose the kind of remembering on which you want to concentrate. IF you learn to memories poetry effectively, our friends may conceder you more cultured and you may get extra enjoyment out of life, but it will not help you remember the grocery list.
To help you decide what kind of memory you want to cultivate, you must decide the kind of things that you need to remember and concentrate on them.
Why should we try to recall unpleasant little episodes, which prey on our minds? Why should we torture ourselves with the tragic incidents that happened in our lives? Why not clear the junk to accommodate more useful information?
The mind is like a endless shelf. We are constantly heaping information on it, just like we stack clothes in the cupboard. What happens when we need a specific dress that we want to wear for the special party in the evening? We spend a whole lot of time, searching for the specific dress amidst the chaotic clutter. Similarly, the mind, which is heaped with a whole lot of irrelevant and useless information, takes time to dreg up the necessary information. Sometimes it even fails to retrieve the useful stuff.