Friday, August 20, 2010

The process of remembering

At this stage, you may well ask – “Alright, I have realized the importance of remembering. I have also learnt the need to uncluttered the mind. But how can I remember things?”
The first step towards improving your recall system is to observe. The stronger the observation better memory.  Most of us do not attach enough importance to the power if observation. As a result we often overlook details while observing. A simple test of your observation would be to try and recall specifics after you have watched the movie. For instance, try to remember the dress worn by the heroin while singing a specific song or the locale that went in the background.
You will find that you will not able to recall these details initially, but as you hone up your power of observation, you will be able to remember the minutest of the details. The reason for this change is very simple. You have been able to improve your power of remembering because you have made your observation keener.
Our forefathers had a much better memory than we do. Since there were no written scriptures, much of the text was passed from generation to generation through oral communication. For this, the learned few had to memories the entire lot of scriptures thought the rote method. It was much later that writing methods were discovered and the ancient wisdom and scriptures were put in writing.
No doubt that the observation power of the people in the ancient times was also keen since they had to remember everything without being able to put it in writing.