Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It's good you feel confident about your job.

You take pride in your ability to do your work quickly and well.
However, there is such a thing as overconfidence — when you forget about the hazards and fail to use safe work practices

•No matter how long you have been on the job and no matter how skilled you are, you must remember the basic safety precautions.
Don't get complacent!
Experienced workers have paid dearly for carelessness.
•They have been electrocuted because they failed to lock out the power when doing electrical repairs.
•They have been burned in explosions when they allowed an ignition source in a flammable atmosphere.
•They have been killed in falls from heights when they failed to hook up fall arrest gear.
•They have lost limbs while operating the same saws or punch presses they have used for years.
They have been disabled in vehicle crashes while driving familiar routes.
All workplaces and tasks have certain hazards and risks.
•As a long-time worker, you can still become entangled in the conveyor if you wear loose clothing.
•The nip roll is just as tight and the floor may be just as slippery